By Oghoghomena Adediran
Adedolapo Fasan studies Mass Communication at the University of Lagos. She is a blogger, poet, YouTuber and an Entrepreneur. She is the owner of Oparline Scented Candles. She enjoys drawing, meditating, yoga and reading. She has discovered that her “personal legend” is to serve people and she hopes that one day, she would be able to fulfil that. She shares on why ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho is her most memorable book.
Why do you read books?
At first, I started reading books because they made me think that anything was possible. Then it became a way to keep myself busy. Now, I read books to learn how to become a better person.
What is your earliest memory of reading?
My earliest memory of reading was when I was 7 or 8. My sister gave me this book that had a very adult theme and I carried it everywhere. I was on her school bus one day when someone asked me why I was reading a book that was way past my age limit. But before then, I didn’t even realize that some books had age restrictions or contained words “too big” for me to read.
What is your most memorable book?
My most memorable book is ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho. The book will always be my favorite. I think it becomes the favorite of anyone who reads it.
Kindly give a brief summary about the book
The Alchemist is about a boy named Santiago who leads his father’s sheep to get food. He is a shepherd. Then one day, he sleeps under a tree and has a dream about his life purpose which they call “personal legend.” He goes to meet a Gypsy fortune teller who tells him that he will find the treasure he seeks at the Egyptian pyramids. Along the way, he meets a magician, falls in love, and encounters lots of troubles. But at the end, he does find what he is looking for.
Why is it your most memorable book?
It’s my most memorable book because unless you really settle down to read it, you might not understand the meaning behind it.
Are there any particular lessons this book has taught you?
The book taught me about perseverance and about listening to the wisdom of your heart. If he didn’t listen to his dreams and he dismissed it, he wouldn’t have found a literal treasure. He decided to trust himself above his self-doubts and that’s how I aspire to be.
How did you come across the book?
I think I just stumbled upon it when I was looking for the next book to read. I will say I was divinely guided.