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Mariners pen poetic lines celebrating Captain Adewale Ishola @70!

On the occasion of his 70th birthday, younger mariners penned this beautifully-crafted poetic lines to honour a master mariner of repute.

Captain Ezekiel Adewale Ishola,

Life pilot, leader with First Mate, Deaconess.

Through the wake of waves, in storms and calm they chart,

Their wisdom is the Lighthouse,

Their Anchor deep and strong,

Is what led us to this point.Happy birthday, our President Emeritus,

So full are our hearts, for your leadership and trust,

For the fights you fought and lessons learned,

Under your hand, the love and support from which we’ve burned!

Under your faithful eyes, as Deck Cadets, we’ve learned the sea, the sky,

Your unwavering faith, beacon in the night lit our way our way through life. May God continue to guide your path

As we walk His tide in fellowship. Happy birthday, as to what life confers.

For love and wisdom combined impart,

We wish you long life, sweet love hearts

Here’s to years of God’s grace His love and joy seen on your face,

For leading through life’s ebb and flow.

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