The current published efforts of the maritime safety agency of the federation popularly called NIMASA is worthy of note.
That the perennial act of criminality against innocent merchant ships in our coast is being positively
addressed is a relief and worthy of commendation.
As the pioneer alternate representative of Nigeria at IMO and one time Director General, Government Inspector of Ships, I wish to join the International communities in commending the ongoing efforts of the government through its agency to checkmate the menace of unlawful acts against innocent ships and installations in our coast.
Let me specifically commend the agency for achieving the domestication (after fourteen years of ratification) of the International Convention on Unlawful Acts Against Ships (SUA) and hopefully against Platforms in Continental Shelf.
The activities emanating from all the published lofty infrastructural initiatives will need a strong and reliable arrangement/administration of the new related law.
I therefore recommend as a part of the ongoing effort to put in place a mechanism for a sustainable
administration of the relevant laws.
The overall aim of the law in its interpretation should be to monitor, restrict, control, deter, rescue,arrest offenders,prosecute, punish, repatriate,restore,confiscate and compensate as the case may be.