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Nigerian ports strategise against COVID-19 spread

Seaports of entry in Nigeria have
been on the alert to ensure vessels calling at the ports are monitored for
cases of the coronavirus disease.

The Nigerian Ports Authority said
that it has set plans in place with the Port Health Service to ensure that crew
of any vessel identified with the disease are immediately quarantined.

The Ports Authority, however,
made it known that although there hadn’t been any case of COVID-19 recorded,
it had started sensitizing port users on what to do while they are inside the

Meanwhile, the Minister of State
for Health, Senator Olorunimbe Mamora, on 
Channels Sunrise programme Monday morning, encouraged Nigerians on
improved hand- washing practice.

He advised that people should
wash their hands with soap and water and endeavour to use handkerchief when
they have a cold and have to cough and sneeze repeatedly.

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