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Gulf of Guinea Security: What actions have followed the Abuja Declaration?

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Some key points in the communique
raised and adopted by stakeholders at the Global Maritime Security Conference(See here), which held in Abuja from October 7-9, 2019, included the following points among
others that:   

“States of GoG and her international
partners should give priority attention to training and capacity building for
relevant stakeholders involved in maritime security including national maritime
authorities, law enforcement agencies and navies as first responders. 


“Navies/Coast Guards and maritime law
enforcement agencies in the GoG states should engage in regular joint maritime
operations, including with international partners, to harmonise operational
procedures, training standards and foster interoperability.”

However, nice and encouraging as
these strategies proposed seem, the industry has yet seen any action in those

The GOG area has since recorded
pockets of pirate attacks. It is only natural to think that if the suggested
regular joint marine operations between the navies and the maritime law
enforcement agencies in the GOG states had taken off immediately, those
incidences would have been prevented.

The industry is also yet to know if
the proposed training and capacity building for relevant stakeholders involved
in maritime security in the states have started. It will be good to know.

However, if none of those have
started, it will behoove the responsibility of the Federal Government to take
the necessary action, as the protection of the GoG maritime domain is highly
important to the development of the Blue Economy. 
It is worthy of note that delegates
and participants from about 80 countries of the world, sat in discussions of 11
different thematic sessions in the three-day conference on global maritime

During the Conference, observations
were made on 4 major clusters of issues to an amenable regional maritime
environment, and they include: 
The legal/policy/regulatory framework for maritime security.
The institutional framework and capacities.
c.      The material, human, financial,
technological and other resources needed to enhance security in the GoG.
The ways and means of implementing the necessary strategies for enhanced
maritime security in the region.

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