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ITF confirms Comrade Adeyanju’s election as Vice President, Executive Board Member, Chairman African Region

The President General, Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) , Comrade Adewale Adeyanju has been confirmed officially into the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) positions as: Vice President, ITF Global, Executive Board Member and Chairman ITF African Region.

The ratification was done by over 2000 delegates representing 150 countries across the globe in this year’s African Regional Conference holding in Marrakesh Morocco, October, 2024.

Comrade John Kennedy Ikemefuna, Head of Media for MWUN in a statement on Saturday noted that the foremost Maritime Labour leader and Deputy President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) positions ratification as was elected in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire in March, 2024 was no fluke as Dr. Adeyanju has excelled in all ramifications; given the global designations as demanded of him by ITF.

“It is therefore of records that Comrade Adeyanju designated responsibilities are of a resounding testament to his unique leadership style in the labour sectors.

“There’s no doubting the fact to his dedication to duty, especially in the advancement of workers rights in the global maritime space, which cannot be underscored.

“Dr. Adeyanju’s election into these vital designations is a historic moment for Nigeria nay Africa; given his ability in uniting and championing the cause of workers universally.

“As Vice President of the global body, Prince Adeyanju will help steer the organization’s, strategic direction, assuring that the voices of transport workers are globally given attention.

“More so, as an Executive Board Member, it puts him also at a vantage position in taking critical decisions, while his Chairmanship position in ITF African Region will reinforce his commitment to addressing the dynamic challenges faced by African Transport Workers and to furthering the cause of the continent’s development.

“The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria and indeed the entire organised labour movement celebrate this monumental achievement of the President -General of MWUN.

“Comrade Adeyanju of no doubt is an enigma and a beacon of excellence. His resilience and dedication to duty and cause of workers can’t be overemphasized; hence, his remarkable upliftment in the maritime industry ditto the continent as he’s positioning Africa as a key player in the global transportation sector,” the statement read.

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