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Nigeria advancing marine surveyors’ standard through training -CMSN

The Centre for Marine Surveyors of Nigeria (CMSN), Lagos, operating under the Niger Delta University(NDU), Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, has expressed confidence that it is training very sound minds in developing marine surveyors for the maritime industry in Nigeria and globally.

Speaking on occasion of the Centre’s second matriculation ceremony in Lagos, Capt. Nimi Johnson, PhD., on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor of the NDU, Prof. Allen Agih, charged the students on the need to stay focused as the year-long academic and practical programme demand huge commitment of them.

The matriculating students

Johnson reminded the students of the importance of their roles in practice after their learning period.

His words: “As marine surveyors, your work will involve the detailed examination of everything from cargo vessels to fishing boats, oil rigs to passenger ferries. Your role will be to ensure that these assets meet international standards, safety regulations, and performance expectations.

“As you embark on this 12-month academic journey, I encourage you to fully engage with the rigorous curriculum and practical training that this program offers. Marine survey is a field that demands accuracy, diligence, and attention to detail, but it is also a field that offers immense rewards, both professionally and personally.

“You have chosen a path that holds great significance for the maritime industry and for Nigeria. In your hands lies the power to ensure the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of our maritime assets. And with that power comes a responsibility to uphold the values of integrity, professionalism, and good citizenship.

“I have no doubt that you will rise to the challenge and make a meaningful impact both in the maritime sector and beyond. To this end, the Niger Delta University and the Centre will ensure a memorable experience in the course of your study to a successful attainment.

In his address, Deputy President of the CMSN, Capt. Ade Olopoenia, equally charged the students on the need to be studious and stay committed to the demand for excellence ahead of them.

He encouraged the students that the postgraduate diploma program in marine surveying would not end up being just an academic pursuit, but that it would be a gateway to a rewarding career in the maritime industry.

“We are confident that our students will emerge from this program as competent and skilled professionals, ready to take advantage of the opportunities available in the Blue Economy.

“The program they are about to undertake is not merely a series of courses and assessments; it is a transformative experience that will shape their understanding of marine surveying. Through rigorous training and practical exercises, they will learn how to conduct thorough inspections of vessels, ensuring compliance with international best practices.

“Furthermore, this diploma program will also focus on the importance of effective communication and reporting in the field of marine surveying. Students will learn how to compile detailed reports that accurately reflect their findings, enabling ship owners and regulatory authorities to make informed decisions based on their assessments,” Olopoenia said.

He added that: “The main purpose of this program is to create a pool of qualified marine surveying professionals and avail Nigerian youths the rare opportunity of participating in the globally available marine surveying market.”

Olopoenia disclosed that the Centre has successfully trained 46 graduate surveyors; five females and 41 males, while it hopes that this program would continue to grow in its training of sound marine surveyors.


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