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MWUN congratulates new MD NPA Dantsoho

The Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria (MWUN) has congratulated Dr. Abubakir Dantsoho, who was recently appointed the Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA).

President General of the MWUN, Dr. Adewale Adeyanju, described Dantsoho as an astute administrator who has gone through all strategic departments of the Authority, hence, his appointment did not come as a surprise because it is a result of absolute merit.

Adeyanju said that Dr. Dantsoho’s dedication commitment, determination, discipline, and steadfastness brought him thus far, having held the position of Assistant General Manager (Servicom), Principal Manager (Tariff & Billing), and Port Manager, Onne Port.

Dantsoho also held the position of Chief of Staff to Alhaji Mua’zu Sambo, the former Minister of Transportation; thus giving him  the edge for the designation.

The Maritime Workers Union pledged to give the new MD of NPA all necessary support and partner him as he resumes duty in the foremost maritime parastatal in the country.

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