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LASG, Netherlands- backed -coy partner to establish e-waste smelter plant in Lagos 

The Lagos State Government (LASG) and a Netherlands-based company have signed an agreement to build a smelter plant for proper management of electronic waste  in Lagos.

Speaking during the signing of the agreement for the project at Alausa, Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Tokunbo Wahab who signed on behalf of the State, said it was about improving the economy of Lagos.

He added that when the smelter plant comes on stream, it would create new jobs and also create a new economy through conversion of e-waste into valuable products.

Wahab stated that the presence of the Consul General of the Netherlands affirms a vote of confidence on the company “Close the Loop BV” about its capabilities.

He described  Electronic waste as a  major waste that people usually don’t talk  about but with the latest step taken by Lagos, it is far ahead of some states and countries in the Sub-region in terms of taking care of electronic waste and converting them to wealth.

He explained that many people do not have the proper awareness on how to dispose either the electronic products or the waste from e-products so the risk pollution becomes more manifest.

He added that the improper management of e-waste can affect the environment badly saying in most cases the e-waste ended up on the landfills, incinerated and eventually exported to the developing countries for recycling.

“Before now, what usually happens to our electronic waste? Government put them together, ship them out, reconvert them to value, bring them in to sell to the people again,” he said.

He stated that Lagos generates 13 thousand tons of waste daily, one third goes to waste to wealth, another one third to electronic waste and last part goes to energy.

According to him, residents must take ownership of the infrastructure in their environment. “Don’t   dispose waste into the drainage system. You are the ones paying the tax, so the government provides infrastructure from the taxes you pay. As good citizens you must always say something when the need arises.”

Also speaking, the Special Adviser on Environment, Mr. Rotimi Akodu, said the Lagos team was ready to collaborate and see that things are sorted the way it should. He added that “Close the Loop BV” officials seemed poised for the job at hand.

“We have a lot of waste in place that we don’t know what to do with them, but now is the time. We just worked on the conversion of waste to wealth. We just signed the conversion of waste to energy and now we are taking care of our electronic waste. I’m sure that no state imagined that it is possible. It is something we welcome and ready to partner you,” he said.

The Netherlands Consul General in Nigeria, Mr. Michel Deleen, said that Lagos State Government has been observed for its pro –activeness, considering how quickly the flashfloods disappeared in Lagos after a heavy rainfall.

“The truth is that most developed countries with infrastructure in place still experience flash flood when it rains incessantly, “he said.

He emphasized the Netherlands government readiness to collaborate with Lagos to turn waste into value and extract valuable wastes as well.

Speaking, the President, Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers, Ingrid Thijssen, expressed delight at the partnership, saying it would benefit both parties tremendously.






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