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Chris Doghudje gives training on client service skills development

Mr Chris Doghudje, a former Chairman of the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) and CEO, Zus Bureau Limited, Lagos, will on Thursday,  June 27, deliver lectures on client service skills enhancement at the Lagos Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Lagos, by 9 am.

Mr Doghudje, who will be the key resource person at the programme, said he would be treating participants to the best of his over 25 years of advertising experience in which he functioned in the client service department.
He said, “Working in the Client Service Department, my experience came from rendering service to companies such as Unilever, Nigerian Breweries, Cadbury, Guinness, First Bank, and WAMCO among others.”
Doghudje, an adjunct faculty member of the school of media and communication, Pan Atlantic University, Lagos, where he teaches Advertising Planning, said the programme would focus primarily on client service skills development.
He added that the training programme would be beneficial to Ad agencies and other service organisations, because their success depended strongly on the quality of their client service personnel.
“The success of an Ad agency or a service organization depends more on client service personnel than on executives from other departments.”
According to Doghudje, “the programme would cover key areas including: how to deal with a difficult client; qualities and skills the superclient service executive should possess; how to obtain/prepare a stimulating advertising brief; how to stimulate creative and media executives to deliver first-class results; assessing advertising proposals;  clients/ agency/media relationship: how to get best results among others.”
He said the programme would also be open to customer relations officers of service organizations such as media houses, radio/television production houses and financial institutions.

1 Comment
  1. Certified Financial Planner Training says

    Just a training and process on client service skills development. With the help of well certified training and experience came from rendering services to companies.

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